8 Common German Slang Words You Should Know

Expressing your opinion in German can be a lot of fun: Who doesn't want to discuss curious & exciting topics with native speakers? Here are 10 useful German opinion phrases, to get your views across.

When learning a new language, it's important to know the slang and colloquial phrases used in everyday conversation. Here are 9 German slang words & phrases to help you sound more natural and fluent in casual conversation:

1. "Alles klar"

This phrase translates to "all clear" or "okay" and is a casual way to confirm or agree with something.

Alles klar, lass uns gehen

Okay, let's go

2. "Ist mir egal"

This phrase translates to "I don't care" or "I couldn't care less" and is a casual way to indicate that something is not important or relevant to you.

Ist mir egal, was die Leute denken

I don't care what people think

3. "Nicht mein Bier"

This phrase translates to "not my beer" and is used to indicate that something is not your concern or responsibility.

Das ist nicht mein Bier, ich habe damit nichts zu tun

That's not my concern, I have nothing to do with it

4. "Kein Plan"

This phrase translates to "no plan" or "I have no idea" and is used to indicate that you don't know or understand something.

Kein Plan, wie man das macht

No idea how to do that

5. "Geht klar"

This phrase translates to "goes clear" or "sure" and is used to indicate agreement or understanding.

Ich treffe mich um 8 Uhr mit dir, geht klar?

I'll meet you at 8 o'clock, sure?

6. "Quatsch"

This phrase translates to "nonsense" or "rubbish" and is used to indicate that something is not true or is ridiculous.

Das ist doch alles Quatsch

That's all nonsense

7. "Hammer"

This phrase translates to "amazing" or "great" and is used to indicate something is impressive or cool.

Das neue Album ist hammer

The new album is amazing

8. "Alter"

This phrase is used as a casual way to address someone, similar to "dude" or "man" in English.


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