30 Day Idioms Challenge

Here's how it works: For the next 10 days, we'll send you a German idiom + quiz to your inbox every morning. The catch? If you miss a single day, the challenge is over! 😵

What's inside?

Based on spaced repetition, we offer this idioms challenge for an effective, targeted boost in your language learning journey! Here is a breakdown of what's included:

Rules & Questions

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We've answered a few common ones here.


How does it work?

Each day, you'll receive three new idioms accompanied by interactive exercises, delivered straight to your inbox.

As you progress, you'll notice a strategic approach to revision, receiving multiple sets of additional exercises, reinforcing previous lessons, and ensuring lasting understanding.

Access extra resources, such as downloadable PDFs and online/printable flashcards.

Start with three free days, then subscribe to complete the course!


What do I get?

Based on spaced repetition, we offer this idioms challenge for an effective, targeted boost in your language learning journey! Here is a breakdown of what's included:

Three new idioms, daily, sent via email


Multiple sets of interactive exercises, to practice new and previously learned idioms


English translations and example sentences, per idiom


Online and downloadable practise PDFs and flashcards


Native speaker recordings


Inclusion in our Hall of Fame, for completing the challenge

What if I miss a day?

Make sure to take part every day, until the end! That's a crucial part of this challenge: miss a day, and miss out on the rest of the idioms and exercises! Are you ready?

Join the waiting list

Sign up here to join the waiting list for our upcoming idioms challenge.